Lets Learn some basic jargon of web technology.


The Internet is a worldwide system of connected networks. Each network consists of millions of computers or you could say the internet is a network of networks. Which helps us to communicate with each other and also we can do many more things with help of the internet. The internet is notable for its decentralization and no one owns the internet or controls who can connect to it.

In its early days, the internet was accessed through physical cables. But in recent times wireless internet access has become increasingly common.

The Internet was first begun as ARPANET an academic research network funded by the military’s Advanced Research Projects Agency. The project was led by Bob Taylor, ARPA administrator in 1969.


A browser is a software program that allows us to access web pages on our computer, laptop or tablet etc. the main work of a browser is to render the webpage code and display the output of the code in form of text, graphics and other features of the webpage.

The first web browser was the WWW[world wide web] .later change its name to NEXUS. Created by TIM BERNERS-LEE.

In recent times there are many famous web browsers are available for users like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Brave, Safari and Opera.


The browser engine is a core component of any web or mobile browser. Its works as a bridge between the user interface and the rendering engine. It interprets HTML documents along with images that are formatted using CSS, and a final layout is generated, which is displayed on the user interface. In other words, you can say a browser engine converts an HTML document with its formatting and displays its result on the user interface or in a browser.

Every browser has its separate browser engine for e.g Google Chrome has BLINK, Mozilla has GECKO, and Safari has a webkit.


Static websites are those kinds of websites in which the web page of this kind of website is static or you can the content of the website will not change every time you refresh the website. These kinds of websites are less interactive in comparison to dynamic websites.

Static websites are mainly used for personal portfolios, personal blogging or for small-scale businesses like gyms etc. where users visit websites to see what kind of services are offered by the website to them.


A dynamic website contains information and content that changes, depending on factors such as the viewer of the site, the time of the day, the time zone, or the native language of the country of the viewer.

The content of your site (text/images) is stored on a database. When the information is updated or changed within the database, it changes on the site.

A few E.g - Dynamic websites are Amazon, Flipkart, PWskill etc.